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Rules & Regulations

All persons who enter onto the property known as Harmon Park (hereinafter alternately referred to simply as “the Park”), by the act of entering onto said property, attest that they have read, understand, and agree to abide by all rules and regulations stipulated on this webpage  as well as anywhere else on this website, on signage found on the property, or given on paperwork or verbally by Harmon Park owners, authorities, employees, or representatives.

Rules & Regulations are Sorted into Categories for Ease of Reference. 

The act of entering onto Harmon Park property is legally representative of your signature provision, by which you enter into a legally binding contract with Harmon Park releasing Harmon Park, the Odyssey Center, property owners, employees, representatives, partners, donors, and affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Harmon Park et al.”) from any and all liability and responsibility for any and all injury, loss, harm, or damage that you may incur to your person, your child(ren), your pets, your vehicle, or your belongings while on the property known as Harmon Park. This contractual agreement holds all persons responsible and liable for the consequences of their own behavior and actions as well as the behavior and actions of child(ren) and pets under their guardianship. You are contractually obligated to carefully and completely review all rules and regulations before entering Harmon Park.

If you do not agree to everything that you read on this webpage,

DO NOT continue onto the property.


To download a copy of Harmon Park Rules & Regulations, please click here: 

Section 1:  GENRAL

By entering Harmon Park property, all persons are acknowledging that they are aware of the inherent risks and dangers of enjoying outdoor recreation where wildlife is present and that they accept all liability for their own safety as well as that of their pets and minor children. All pet owners and parents or legal guardians of minor children bear sole responsibility for the wellbeing and actions of their pets and children. In the event that a pet or minor child escapes the supervision or direct control of their owner, parent, or legal guardian and incurs an injury, no matter how minor or grave, up to and including death, on the property comprising Harmon Park, all responsibility and liability for said injury rests solely with the pet owner, parent, or legal guardian from whose direct supervision and control the pet or child escaped.


Harmon Park et al. bear NO LEGAL LIABILITY for injury, illness, harm, or death to adults, pets or minor children on the property of Harmon Park. 


Section 2:  WILDLIFE

Harmon Park is a Wildlife Sanctuary.


Never harass, chase, capture, injure, or kill any living thing on the Park grounds without express permission from Park owners or authorized personnel.  Generally, the only permission that may be available is for the catch and harvest of specific breeds of fish of specific size(s) at certain times from specific pond(s).


Guests agree that they are aware that poisonous, toxic, venomous, and potentially injurious plants, fungi, insects, reptiles, and mammals are present on the grounds of Harmon Park. 


Guests agree that they are aware that most of the grounds in Harmon Park are not landscaped or groomed for safe human use and enjoyment and that, due to the presence of wildlife, the areas which are maintained for human use and enjoyment, such as the walking paths and clearings, may exhibit unsafe features such as random unmarked holes in the ground, roots and sticks, thorns, animal droppings, bones or carcasses, stones or rocks, or any number of other attributes which may appear overnight. 


Harmon Park et al. are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR, and may NOT BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for, any accident, injury, illness, harm, or death to any person or pet on Harmon Park grounds, regardless of whether or not said person or pet was on Park property lawfully.  


Section 3:  SPACES

Keep to Trails & Clearings.


Respect the Wild Habitat Preservation Spaces by using the many trails and cleared areas provided for human use and enjoyment.  Do not disturb wildlife by entering the preserved areas.


​Never attempt to create new trails or clearings or to expand or enlarge the existing trails and clearings. 


Limit use of benches, chairs, tables, grills, pavilions, etc... to reasonable time spans so that other guests may also enjoy these amenities. Be kind and respectful to the other humans as well as to the plant and animal life. 


Reserving seating, tables, grills, pavilions, etc... is not permitted unless arranged through Harmon Park.


To hold a party or other private event on Park grounds, please click here:                                     



Never toss or abandon trash or refuse on the ground or in the water on Harmon Park property. In addition to being rude and childish, littering causes several problems for the Park, the wildlife, and patrons. When Park employees must spend extra time to keep things clean, costs increase and money meant for spending on Park improvements and amenities must be used to pay the Stewardship Crew to pick up trash instead. A few trash bins can be found around the Park grounds, but guests should plan and arrange to take all that they bring into the park back out with them when they leave.


If everyone does their part to keep things clean, then things will be cleaner and more enjoyable for everyone!


​This adage is true for Harmon Park facilities such as pavilions, grills, and restrooms as well.  Adults should never leave a mess behind. Parents (or guardians) should always go behind children to ensure that they have cleaned up after themselves. Again, more mess left for the Park to clean, ultimately, equates to fewer Park improvements & amenities for guests to enjoy.


Theft, vandalism, and destruction to Park property incurs costs for repair and replacement, which, ultimately, equates to fewer Park improvements & amenities for guests to enjoy. Therefore, legal prosecution for theft, vandalism, and destruction is a necessary recourse. 


Park guests agree not to cause harm, and to prevent children or pets in their guardianship from causing harm, to others or to the property or belongings of others.


Section 5:  CHILDREN

Unless attending a special event held by Harmon Park which does not require parent/guardian attendance, children under the age of 13 are permitted on Park grounds only under the supervision and control of parents or guardians.


Children over the age of 13 may enjoy the grounds without parent/guardian accompaniment only if their parents/guardians assert that the child remains under parental/guardian control while unaccompanied. This means that the child has a proven track record of following their parents'/guardians' rules and instructions, as well as the rules and laws governing the places and spaces they occupy, when unaccompanied by parents/guardians. The child's parents and/or guardians acknowledge and agree that, even in absentia, they 1) bear sole responsibility for the wellbeing and actions of their child, 2) accept all responsibility and liability for any injury, no matter how minor or grave, up to and including death, incurred by their child on the property comprising Harmon Park, 3) understand and accept that Harmon Park et al. bear no legal liability for injury, illness, harm, or death to their child on the property of Harmon Park, 4) understand that it is necessary to educate their child on the rules and regulations for behavior in Harmon Park and agree to do so, 5) understand and accept that they are responsible for the behavior and actions of their child, and 6) understand that they are fully liable for, and accept full liability for, any theft, vandalism, damage, or destruction of or to Harmon Park property caused by the actions of their child.


Section 6:  PETS

Pets must be leashed while on the property comprising Harmon Park, with the exception of well behaved non-aggressive dogs while within the fenced “dog park” space which are under the direct supervision and verbal control of their owners or guardians. 


Guests may not bring unfriendly pets onto the Park grounds, even if leashed. An unfriendly pet is defined as one which exhibits behavior indicative of the animal’s intent to cause harm to another animal or person. Such behaviors MAY include growling or teeth-bearing, certain types of barking, lunging, and snapping. Animal behavior is complex and “intent to cause harm” may be misattributed to behaviors by an individual with inadequate education or training in animal behavior. Likewise, individuals with inadequate education or training in animal behavior may fail to recognize animal behaviors which are indicative of “intent to cause harm.” In the event that there is disagreement, the final ruling on whether or not a pet’s behavior(s) are indicative of intent to harm, or whether or not a pet is “unfriendly” as defined by Harmon Park Rules and Regulations, shall be made by Harmon Park officials trained or educated in animal behavior. 


All persons entering Park grounds are aware that pets are permitted, and, therefore, are aware that there are inherent risks associated with this reality. As one possible example, a pet might escape its owner's control and pose a bite risk to a person or another pet. Other examples exist and are not enumerated herein. Harmon Park et al. bear no legal responsibility for such incidents. All guests are aware of the risks and accept said risks upon entering the property. All pet owners accept full responsibility for their pets and the behaviors of their pets, including damage caused by their pets to people, other pets, or property. 


Guests are required, and agree, to clear pet excrement from trails, sidewalks, clearings, and other spaces where it may be accidentally encountered by other people or pets. Children, who are naturally less inclined to be “watchful,” are especially vulnerable to accidentally stepping or falling into unseen excrement when it is left where it should not be. Environmentally friendlier dog “poop bags,” which are indicated to fully biodegrade in a landfill or home-composting environment, are provided in some areas of the Park for guest convenience, but may or may not be found at the location a pet defecates. Therefore, guests with pets are responsible for having a bag on hand at all times, lest they find themselves having to pick up after their pet using a leaf or “bare handed.” Trash bins may or may not be conveniently located and guests must be prepared to take their pet’s bagged waste with them.  Under no circumstance is it permitted to throw bagged waste (or garbage of any kind) into natural areas or anywhere on the Park grounds other than a trash bin or waste receptacle. 


Guests are asked to keep close watch on their children and leashed pets so that they may prevent unwanted contact with wild animal scat, which may be encountered anywhere, including along trails, sidewalks, clearings, and other spaces. 


Section 7:  NOISE

Harmon Park is situated in the heart of Columbiana's downtown district and is surrounded by residential housing.  While "typical" noise associated with the use and enjoyment of recreational facilities is expected and acceptable, there are limits. Harmon Park defers to the City of Columbiana Ordinance 9.20.010, "Excessive or unreasonable noise," which reads as follows:


A. It shall be unlawful and a nuisance for any person to make an excessive or unreasonable noise by operating, playing, or permitting to be operated or played any radio, tape player, compact disc player, musical instrument, or other similar device, whether from a motor vehicle or by a pedestrian, in such a manner as to be plainly audible to any person other than the operator or player at a distance of more than five feet outside the motor vehicle or more than 10 feet from the pedestrian.


B. It shall be unlawful and a nuisance for any person to make an excessive or unreasonable noise by operating, playing, or permitting to be operated or played any radio, tape player, compact disc player, television, musical instrument, or similar device which produces or reproduces sound in such manner as to be plainly audible at a distance of more than 50 feet from such device, or if such device is operated or played within a structure, more than 50 feet from such structure.


C. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit performances by a band or orchestra in a hall, building, or in open air; ringing of church bells or chimes by churches; or the use of a radio, siren, or other equipment by police, fire, rescue, or other emergency or law enforcement personnel in the furtherance of their duties.


D. Penalty. Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1.10 CMC. [Ord. 01-96-01 §§ 1, 2.]


Section 8:  FIRE

Harmon Park guests are generally not permitted to set fires on Park grounds. 


The following exceptions apply:


​Exception #1:  Personal grills and campfires are not permitted. Guests must first check in with a Park representative, authority, or employee before making use of park grills, if or when provided. Once given the "go-ahead" from a Harmon Park representative, authority, or employee, a Park grill may be used with appropriate flame by responsible adults for the purpose of cooking. All flame and embers must be doused until cooled all the way through when grill use has concluded.

Exception #2:  The communal fire pit may be lit by Park personnel only.


Section 9:  VIOLENCE

Harmon Park has a zero-tolerance policy for violence.


Patrons must take any arguments, feuds, quarrels, fights, etc... outside of the Park grounds. There shall be no fighting, including loud angry yelling, angry or violent physical contact, or threats of violence on the property comprising Harmon Park. Park owners, employees, and officials shall not hesitate to involve police, to have patrons removed from the premises, and/or to trespass individuals as deemed appropriate by Park officials, employees, or property owners. 


Violence and threats of violence involving children or animals is not permitted in Harmon Park. The Park’s zero-tolerance of violence policy requires that parents who choose to physically discipline (i.e. utilize spankings or similar) their children or pets must leave Harmon Park grounds to do so. 


Section 10:  VEHICLES & WHEELS

Generally, bicycles, tricycles, skateboards, scooters, hoverboards, roller skates or blades, Heelys, Segways, four-wheelers, motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs,  golf carts, etc... may not be ridden on Park paths as this poses a risk for injury to pedestrians sharing the paths.


The following exceptions apply:


​Exception #1: Owners, employees, and other parties with specific permission are exempt from this rule, provided they follow other set guidelines for such usage (i.e. speed limits, purpose & location guidelines, etc…).


Exception #2:  Young children who require a safe place to ride tricycles, 'first' bikes with training wheels, and small scooters, who are accompanied by parents/guardians on foot, may do so, provided they ride slowly enough that their walking adult company is able to keep up with ease. 

Private Events

Section 11:  Rules Concerning Private Events

In addition to the Park Rules and Regulations already detailed, there are special policies and rules that apply to the use of the Park clubhouse or grounds for private events, such as parties, weddings, receptions, etc... 

11.1:  Balloons

Balloons (latex or Mylar, unfilled or filled ) are NOT permitted. Balloons are deadly to both domestic and wild animals and are notoriously harmful to the environment, thus, the use of balloons runs counter to the values and the mission of Harmon Park. There are no exceptions available to this policy. Violations will result in the forfeiture of the "Responsible Citizen" deposit required to enjoy private events at the Park.

11.2 :  Straws, Utensils, & Dishware

Most disposable single-use straws, utensils, and dishware are NOT permitted. This includes both plastic and paper straws; plastic forks, spoons, and knives; and plastic or Styrofoam cups, plates, & bowls. 

Single-use product materials which ARE permitted include paper, birch wood, bamboo, palm leaf, etc...  Websites where these items may be purchased include Bio & Chic, Smarty Had a Party, & Bonjour Fete.

Plastic-like "eco-friendly" single-use items made from PLAs (click HERE to read more about these materials), cPLAs, and tPLAs (Click HERE to read more about these materials) are often labeled as "compostable," however, most do not decompose any more rapidly than plastic in landfills or in typical home composting bins. To break down, (most) PLA products must be sent to a commercial composting facility.  

Exceptions to this policy may be possible for a fee (which covers the cost of recycling, including sorting & transportation. Click HERE for the exceptions price fee structure.

11.3:  Florals & Petals

Loose faux or silk petals are NOT permitted. Faux (silk, polyester, plastic, etc...) flowers are acceptable provided that they are cleaned up following the event. With enough re-use, faux florals can be more ecologically responsible than fresh flowers (click HERE to read more). Harmon Park urges guests to either reuse, sell, or donate their faux florals (we welcome such donations to Harmon Park for use by future guests who may not be financially able to obtain florals for their own event). Real plants, flowers, petals, leaves, pinecones, twigs, etc… (fresh or dried) are, of course, always permitted, however we ask that patrons avoid the application of single-use plastics and foam in floral arrangements. 

11.4    Confetti & “Send-Offs” 

Confetti made of glitter, plastic, PVC, foil, Mylar, and other such materials is not permitted.  Acceptable alternatives include paper/tissue, leaf, flower, herb, seed, rice, bubbles, rice, bells, etc…


11.5    Table Clothes, Napkins, & Other Décor

The ideal material for these items would be fabric, to be washed and reused. Paper/tissue is also permitted if properly cleaned up following the event. Disallowed materials include plastics, PVC, foil, cellophane, etc...  



To hold a party or other private event on Park grounds, please click here:                                  

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